Wednesday, September 28, 2005

I should tell you, I should tell you

Ok. I am a huge nerd. Seriously. I know this comes as no great shock to any of you who know me, but I actually cannot believe that I am about to type the following entry. Especially since I just finished lamenting to Shaya that my online presence (a/k/a my frienster testimonials) is humiliating to me as almost everyone refers to me as a big old musical theater dork (a definition I'd prefer to rethink and one that hasn't actually been accurate for more than 5 years). But, that said, I happened to be trolling around on the iTunes music store and noticed that the official film soundtrack to Rent was released today. Now I don't really have 17 bucks to spend on a CD that (before my CD robbery of 2000) I basically already owned, played the shit out of, and memorized, but I did give the samples a listen.

The first thing I noticed was that Rosario Dawson sounds GOOD. And the second thing I noticed was that the "new" song, clearly added here for Academy Award consideration (since only ORIGINAL songs are eligible), is fucking terrible and doesn't sound like it belongs. But the third and most important thing I realized is that I still really fucking love those songs and I can't wait for the movie's November release and even though I don't have the 17 bucks, nor do I want to spend it, I really want that CD. Yeah, I'm a huge nerd.


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