Wednesday, April 28, 2004

**Boot the grime of this world in the crotch, dear**

Thanks to Melissa (Miss Brodotype, if ya nasty!) for this bitchin' link. I mean what better way to prepare for next week's Apollo shows than to find out which Morrissey song you are. (I must say I was rather surprised- I feel like I was the sunniest one. And anyone who knows me- c'mon that's all 4 of you that read this thing- knows that there ain't much sunny about me!)

Sheila, take a bow
You are "Sheila take a bow."
You know that life hurts, and you've had your share
of pain, but that doesn't mean you can't still
have a good time. You know the importance of
not dwelling on your problems. You have a
generally positive outlook, and you are a
really good friend.

Which Smiths song are you?
brought to you by Quizilla

PS: If you were one of those lucky assholes who got to see the LA Wiltern shows that the Killers played at- I WANT DETAILS!!! (SOOOOO UNFAIR! They should open in NYC too!) But I can dry my eyes with the information I read on Moz's website today: Los Killers will be joining him on Lollapalooza!!! (So will Broken Social Scene, Danger Mouse, Le Tigre and so many other great bands. Dude it's like 1992 all over again! I wanna go to Lollapalooza!) Can I buy tickets today? Why haven't they announced New York dates yet?


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